The SNB plays a central role in our everyday lives, whether we’re withdrawing money, shopping or financing the purchase of our own home. However, understanding the complexity of its operations is not so easy.

In the section ‘The SNB explained’, you will find easy-to-understand information about the SNB and its monetary policy, the value of price stability and much more besides.

Learn more

The Swiss National Bank in brief

This brochure describes in concise form (approximately thirty pages) the monetary policy approach, other major tasks, and the organisation and legal basis of the Swiss National Bank's activities. The brochure is available in German, French, Italian and English.

The Swiss National Bank – What it does and how it works

The SNB film takes a behind-the-scenes look at the SNB and its monetary policy.

In the SNB film you will learn why the SNB has a mandate to ensure price stability, how it implements this mandate, and what impact this has on our everyday lives. The film is built around the monetary policy decision-making process, with the regular assessment and communication of the decision at the news conference serving as a framing device. It also covers two special events that took place more recently – the stabilisation fund for UBS (2008 to 2013) and the minimum exchange rate against the euro (2011 to 2015). These show that central banks may be required to take exceptional measures in order to fulfil their mandates.

Employees in a corridor inside the main building in Berne

Working at the SNB – what’s it like?

Modern working environments with attractive conditions: Learn all about the SNB as an employer here.

Depiction of the 200-franc note on the media display in the SNB Forum


An information centre for everyone

At the SNB Forum in Zurich, visitors can find valuable information about the Swiss National Bank.

The main façade of the SNB building in Berne circa 1930

The SNB’s gripping history

Discover interesting facts about the birth and development of the SNB and monetary policy.

In simple terms

Discover the National Bank

The SNB’s work is omnipresent in our everyday lives – when we make a cash withdrawal, do the weekly shopping or buy a home. In a series of short accounts, ‘The SNB explained’ demonstrates the way the SNB works.

This might also be of interest

The SNB as an organisation

Learn all about the SNB’s structure and organisation.

Research at the SNB

Learn more about the essential role played by research in the SNB’s fulfilment of its tasks.

The Implementation of monetary policy

Find out here about the implementation of monetary policy and the instruments used.

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