Payment transactions

Cashless payment transactions

In accordance with the National Bank Act (NBA), the SNB’s tasks include facilitating and securing the operation of cashless payment systems. The SNB performs this duty by acting as system manager for the Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) payment system. However, the SNB does not operate the SIC system itself. Since the introduction of the SIC system in 1987, SIX Interbank Clearing Ltd (SIC Ltd) has been responsible for operating it on behalf of the SNB. The main tasks undertaken by the SNB as system manager are determining admission criteria and conditions for participation, administering the accounts, issuing settlement rules, steering the daily processes, providing liquidity and organising crisis management.

The National Bank Act also allows the Confederation to avail itself of the banking services provided by the SNB (NBA art. 5 para. 4). In this regard, the SNB provides payment transaction services for the Confederation and federal bodies, acting on their behalf.

The Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) payment system

Further information about the SIC system is available at Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC).

Payment Methods Survey of Private Individuals

Information regarding the representative surveys on the Swiss population's use of various payment methods can be found at Payment Methods Survey of Private Individuals.

Terms and specifications of business operations

Useful information for participants in the SIC system and for sight deposit account holders may be found under Business operations.

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