Short biographies
The biographical profiles contain information on senior officials at the Swiss National Bank (SNB) – their education, professional careers, memberships in associations, non-parliamentary commissions, additional offices held etc., and on their political posts and Board memberships.
Presidents of the Swiss National Bank Council from 1906 onwards
Note on the English translation: For official titles and designations see the German and French versions. The English translations provided here are for guidance only.















© Photos
Swiss National Bank: Johann Daniel Hirter, Alfred Sarasin, Gustav Schaller, Brenno Galli, Edmund Wyss, François Schaller, Barbara Janom Steiner
Images collection, Swiss National Library/NB: Paul Usteri, Gottlieb Bachmann, Peter Gerber, Jakob Schönenberger
KEYSTONE/archives: Eduard Belser
RDB/RDB: Alfred Müller
Press service, République et Canton de Neuchâtel: Jean Studer
Hans Ulrich Raggenbass: Hans Ulrich Raggenbass
Members of the Governing Board from 1907 onwards
Note on the English translation: For official titles and designations see the German and French versions. The English translations provided here are for guidance only.
Department I: Heinrich Kundert

Department II: Rodolphe de Haller

Department III: August Burckhardt

Department I: August Burckhardt

Department II: Rodolphe de Haller

Department III: Adolf Jöhr

Department I: August Burckhardt

Department II: Rodolphe de Haller

Department III: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department I: August Burckhardt

Department II: Charles Schnyder von Wartensee

Department III: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department I: August Burckhardt

Department II: vacant
Department III: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department I: August Burckhardt

Department II: Charles Schnyder von Wartensee

Department III: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department I: vacant
Department II: Charles Schnyder von Wartensee

Department III: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department I: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department II: Charles Schnyder von Wartensee

Department III: Ernst Weber

Department I: Gottlieb Bachmann

Department II: Paul Rossy

Department III: Ernst Weber

Department I: vacant
Department II: Paul Rossy

Department III: Ernst Weber

Department I: Ernst Weber

Department II: Paul Rossy

Department III: Fritz Schnorf

Department I: Ernst Weber

Department II: Paul Rossy

Department III: Alfred Hirs

Department I: Paul Keller

Department II: Paul Rossy

Department III: Alfred Hirs

Department I: Paul Keller

Department II: Paul Rossy

Department III: Walter Schwegler

Department I: Paul Keller

Department II: Riccardo Motta

Department III: Walter Schwegler

Department I: Walter Schwegler

Department II: Riccardo Motta

Department III: Max Iklé

Department I: Walter Schwegler

Department II: Alexandre Hay

Department III: Max Iklé

Department I: Edwin Stopper

Department II: Alexandre Hay

Department III: Max Iklé

Department I: Edwin Stopper

Department II: Alexandre Hay

Department III: Fritz Leutwiler

Department I: Fritz Leutwiler

Department II: Alexandre Hay

Department III: vacant
Department I: Fritz Leutwiler

Department II: Alexandre Hay

Department III: Leo Schürmann

Department I: Fritz Leutwiler

Department II: Leo Schürmann

Department III: Pierre Languetin

Department I: Fritz Leutwiler

Department II: Pierre Languetin

Department III: Markus Lusser

Department I: Pierre Languetin

Department II: Markus Lusser

Department III: Hans Meyer

Department I: Markus Lusser

Department II: Hans Meyer

Department III: Jean Zwahlen

Department I: Hans Meyer

Department II: Jean-Pierre Roth

Department III: Bruno Gehrig

Department I: Jean-Pierre Roth

Department II: Niklaus Blattner

Department III: Bruno Gehrig

Department I: Jean-Pierre Roth

Department II: Niklaus Blattner

Department III: Philipp M. Hildebrand

Department I: Jean-Pierre Roth

Department II: Philipp M. Hildebrand

Department III: Thomas Jordan

Department I: Philipp M. Hildebrand

Department II: Thomas Jordan

Department III: Jean-Pierre Danthine

Department I: vacant
Department II: Thomas Jordan

Department III: Jean-Pierre Danthine

Department I: Thomas Jordan

Department II: Jean-Pierre Danthine

Department III: vacant
Department I: Thomas Jordan

Department II: Jean-Pierre Danthine

Department III: Fritz Zurbrügg

Department I: Thomas Jordan

Department II: Fritz Zurbrügg

Department III: Andréa M. Maechler

Department I: Thomas Jordan

Department II: Martin Schlegel

Department III: Andréa M. Maechler

Department I: Thomas Jordan

Department II: Martin Schlegel

Department III: vacant
Department I: Thomas Jordan

Department II: Martin Schlegel

Department III: Antoine Martin

Department I: Martin Schlegel

Department II: Antoine Martin

Department III: Petra Tschudin

© Photos
Swiss National Bank: August Burckhardt, Rodolphe de Haller, Heinrich Kundert, Adolf Jöhr, Gottlieb Bachmann, Paul Rossy, Fritz Schnorf, Walter Schwegler, Riccardo Motta, Alexandre Hay, Edwin Stopper, Fritz Leutwiler, Leo Schürmann, Pierre Languetin, Markus Lusser, Hans Meyer, Jean Zwahlen, Bruno Gehrig, Niklaus Blattner, Jean-Pierre Roth, Philipp M. Hildebrand, Thomas Jordan, Jean-Pierre Danthine, Fritz Zurbrügg, Andréa M. Maechler, Martin Schlegel, Petra Tschudin
Images collection, Swiss National Library/NB: Charles Schnyder von Wartensee, Paul Keller
KEYSTONE/Photopress archives: Ernst Weber, Alfred Hirs, Max Iklé
Historical sources for the biographical profiles
- Information on offices held at the SNB is derived from the SNB archives.
- Information on education, professional careers, memberships in associations, additional offices held etc. is largely based on obituaries in newspapers and entries in encyclopaedias.
- Details on memberships in permanent commissions of the National Council and the Council of States have been derived from a publication entitled "Résumé des délibérations de l’assemblée fédérale" in French and "Übersicht über die Verhandlungen der Bundesversammlung" in German.
- The sources for the non-parliamentary commissions were, for the period to 1984, the annual federal gazette ("l’annuaire federal"/"eidgenössische Staatskalender"), and for the years thereafter, a brochure entitled "Commissions extra-parlementaires, autorités et représentants de la Confédération" in French and "Ausserparlamentarische Kommissionen, Behörden und Vertretungen des Bundes" in German, which was published by the Federal Chancellery in 1985, 1987, 1990, 1993 and 1997. There are a number of gaps in the information provided by these publications, and some (but unfortunately not all) of them have been filled with the generous support of the Swiss federal archives. Neither the annual gazette nor the Federal Chancellery publication lists all of the non-parliamentary commissions. This is a gap that we were unable to fill in our biographical profiles.
- For Board memberships, the annual reports of individual companies held by the Swiss economic archives ("Wirtschaftsarchiv") in Basel were consulted.
- In addition, we received valuable information from many archives and historians, and would like to take this opportunity of extending our sincere thanks to them.