Digital services

Art installation at Fraumünsterstrasse 8 in Zurich

Here you can access all of the digital services and platforms to keep up to date on the latest developments at the Swiss National Bank. Stay informed at all times, view the SNB’s time schedule, subscribe to the newsfeed or follow the most important events on SNB online TV.

The SNB’s digital platforms

Iconomix: a digital educational programme

Iconomix provides teaching units for teachers of economics. By offering this service, the SNB promotes economic literacy.

The SNB’s data portal

On the data portal, you can find an extensive range of data on monetary policy and the economy.

SNB press conference in Berne

Web TV

The SNB’s events – live and recorded

Watch speeches, colloquia, news conferences and other events live. Recordings are available at the archives.

News services and feeds

News Alert

Find out what’s new on the SNB website with mail service notifications.

RSS feed

Learn via RSS when subscribed content and publications are updated.

Time schedule

Use iCalendar to display the SNB website calendar entries in your own calendar in real time.

Glossary (symbolic image)


Key terms relating to the SNB

From A to Z: In our glossary we explain the most important terms from the worlds of finance, economics and monetary policy .

Hybrid meeting in Berne


Answers to frequently asked questions

You can find answers to important questions concerning monetary policy, the SNB, banknotes and coins here.

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