Responsibilities and goals

Find out about all of the SNB’s responsibilities and goals here. The SNB conducts Switzerland’s monetary policy as an independent central bank.

Meeting room at Börsenstrasse 15 in Zurich

Monetary policy

In conducting its monetary policy, the SNB is obliged by Constitution and statute to act in accordance with the interests of the country as a whole. Its primary goal is to ensure price stability, while taking due account of economic developments.

Asset Management team members working

The implementation of monetary policy

The SNB implements its monetary policy by setting the SNB policy rate. In so doing, it seeks to keep the short-term Swiss franc money market rates close to the SNB policy rate. In order to influence monetary conditions, the SNB also intervenes in the foreign exchange market, as necessary.

Print and production of banknotes

Cash supply and distribution

The SNB is entrusted with the note-issuing privilege. It supplies the Swiss economy with banknotes commensurate with demand for payment purposes. It is also charged by the Confederation with the task of coin distribution.

Asset Management team member at his desk

Asset management

The SNB manages the currency reserves, the most important component of its assets. It requires currency reserves to ensure that it has room for manoeuvre in its monetary policy at all times.

Reflection on the glass roof in the main building’s courtyard in Berne

Financial system stability

The SNB contributes to the stability of the financial system. It fulfils this mandate by analysing sources of risk to the financial system and identifying areas where action is needed. In addition, it helps to create and implement a regulatory framework for the financial sector, and oversees systemically important financial market infrastructures.

View of the Federal Palace dome beyond the rooftops of the Berne head office.

Services for the Confederation

The SNB acts as banker to the Confederation. It processes payments on behalf of the Confederation, issues money market debt register claims and bonds, handles the custody of securities and carries out foreign exchange transactions.

Survey evaluation (symbolic image)


The SNB collects statistical data for the purpose of fulfilling its monetary policy tasks and its oversight functions, as part of its contribution to the stability of the Swiss financial system, on behalf of international organisations, and for drawing up the balance of payments and statistics on the international investment position.

Seminar participant taking notes


Research plays a vital role in the fulfilment of the SNB’s mandates. As a rule, the research on central bank-related topics is carried out in the relevant departments.

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