The SNB’s monetary policy

The SNB has the mandate to conduct monetary policy in such a way that money preserves its value and the Swiss economy develops in an appropriate manner. Find out about the SNB’s monetary policy strategy, instruments and decisions here.

Monetary policy strategy and implementation of monetary policy

The SNB is tasked with ensuring price stability, while taking due account of economic developments. The SNB’s monetary policy strategy consists of three elements: a definition of price stability, a medium-term inflation forecast and the SNB policy rate.

The Swiss National Bank implements its monetary policy by setting the SNB policy rate. In so doing, it seeks to keep the short-term Swiss franc money market rates close to the SNB policy rate. Both the regular and the other monetary policy instruments are described in the 'Guidelines of the Swiss National Bank on monetary policy instruments'.

Events for financial market participants

Money Market Event and Repo Convention: Find out about the SNB’s current money market events here.

Questions and answers on the SNB’s monetary policy

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The SNB’s supervisory and executive bodies

Function, composition, members: Find out about the Bank Council and the Governing Board here.

Services for the Confederation

Find out about the banking services the SNB provides to the Confederation here.

News and publications

Explore interesting research papers, statistics and current SNB press releases.

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