International Evidence on Professional Interest Rate Forecasts: The Impact of Forecasting Ability

July 13, 2018
Issue 2018-10


This paper develops a model of honest rational professional forecasters with different abilities and submits it to empirical verification using data on 3- and 12-months ahead forecasts of short-term interest rates and of long-term bond yields for up to 33 countries collected by Consensus Economics. The main finding is that in many countries, less-precise forecasters weigh public information more heavily than more-precise forecasters who weigh their own private information relatively more heavily. One implication of this result is that less-precise forecasters herd after more-precise forecasters even in the absence of strategic considerations. We also document differences between the average forecasting errors of more- and less-able forecasters as well as substantial correlations between the forecast errors of different forecasters.

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JEL classification:
E47, G17
Forecasting interest rates and bond yields, impact of forecasting ability on forecast formation

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