SNB Research Conference 2023, 29-30 September 2023

Conference organisation

The attendance of the SNB Research Conference is by invitation only.


Papers of poster session


Paper by Hans Gersbach, Jean-Charles Rochet, and Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden: Central Bank Reserves and the Balance Sheet of Banks

Paper by Jean-Paul L'Huillier and Gregory Phelan: Can Supply Shocks Be Inflationary with a Flat Phillips Curve?

Paper by Marco Del Negro, Julian di Giovanni, and Keshav Dogra: Is the Green Transition Inflationary?

Paper by Gabriel Züllig: Consumer Memory, Inflation Expectations and the Interpretation of Shocks

Paper by Stefanie J. Huber, Daria Minina, and Tobias Schmidt: The Pass-Through from Inflation Perceptions to Inflation Expectations

Paper by Niko Hauzenberger, Rebecca Stuart, Daniel Kaufmann, and Cédric Tille: What Drives Long-Term Interest Rates? Evidence from the Entire Swiss Franc History (1852-2022)

Paper by Mathias Hoffmann, Lora Pavlova, Emanuel Moench, and Guido Schultefrankenfeld: A KISS for Central Bank Communication in Times of High Inflation

Paper by James Bullard, Riccardo DiCecio, Aarti Singh, and Jacek Suda: Optimal Macroeconomic Policies in a Heterogeneous World

Organising committee

  • Athanasios Orphanides (MIT)
  • Carlos Lenz (Swiss National Bank)
  • Pascal Towbin (Swiss National Bank)
  • Nicolas Cuche-Curti (Swiss National Bank)

Conference office

Swiss National Bank
Research Coordination
Boersenstrasse 15
P.O. Box
CH-8022 Zurich, Switzerland

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