Swiss Financial Accounts
Current issue and description
The Swiss financial accounts are concerned with the financial assets and liabilities of the economy's institutional sectors. These comprise non-financial and financial corporations, general government, and households.The financial accounts are a synthesis statistic, and are based, in particular, on banking statistics, the survey on cross-border capital linkages, insurance statistics, pension fund statistics and statistics on public finances. Data from these sources are systematically evaluated and processed to provide a consistent overall picture that allows for a variety of macroeconomic analyses.
Data and further information
Ordering publications
Since 2005, the SNB has published data on the Swiss financial accounts in an annual report. At the beginning, the report was published with a delay of almost two years. When the 2015 edition of the 'Swiss Financial Accounts' was published in November 2016, this delay had been shortened to eleven months. This is the reason why there was no 2014 edition of the 'Swiss Financial Accounts'.
Since 2007, the SNB has also published data on household wealth. The 'Household wealth' press release was published separately until the publication of the data for 2014. When the 2015 edition of the 'Swiss Financial Accounts' was published, 'Household wealth' (now 'Balance sheet of households') became an integral part of the 'Swiss Financial Accounts'.