Annual Report 2018
Accountability report
- Monetary policy
- Implementation of monetary policy
- Ensuring the supply and distribution of cash
- Facilitating and securing cashless payments
- Asset management
- Contribution to financial system stability
- Participation in international monetary cooperation
- Banking services for the Confederation
- Statistics
Financial report
- Corporate governance
- Resources
- Changes in bank bodies
- Business performance
- Balance sheet as at 31 December 2018
- Income statement and appropriation of profit for 2018
- Changes in equity
- Notes to the annual financial statements as at 31 December 2018
- Report of the External Auditor for the General Meeting of Shareholders
- Chronicle of monetary events in 2018
- Bank supervisory and management bodies, Regional Economic Councils
- Organisational chart
- Publications and other resources
- Addresses
- Rounding conventions and abbreviations