Ordering publications

  • The Annual Report of the Swiss National Bank, comprising the Accountability Report and the Business and Financial Report, is published at the beginning of April. With the Accountability Report, the National Bank renders account of the fulfilment of its tasks to the Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation. The Business and Financial Report requires the approval of the Federal Council and the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Annual Report is published in German, French, Italian and English.

    Subscription: free of charge

  • The Quarterly Bulletin has been published in its current form since 1998. It includes the 'Monetary policy report' and the report on 'Business cycle signals' (titled 'Business cycle trends' until Q2 2017) by the SNB regional network, both of which are used by the Governing Board for its quarterly assessment. It also includes the 'Chronicle of monetary events' and occasional special reports.

    The Quarterly Bulletin can be downloaded from the SNB website in English, German, French and Italian. English issues are available from mid-2002 onwards. In Italian, the 'Business cycle signals' and the special reports are available from 2008 and the full report from 2017.

    The German, French and Italian issues are also available for subscription in printed form.

    Subscription: free of charge

  • In its Financial Stability Report, the Swiss National Bank presents its assessment of the Swiss banking sector's stability. The Bank publishes this report as part of its contribution to the stability of the financial system - a task assigned to it under the new National Bank Act. In the Financial Stability Report, the National Bank focuses on trends that are observable at the levels of the banking system, the financial markets and the macroeconomic environment. The Financial Stability Report is published in June each year. The report is in English, but German and French summaries are also supplied.

    Subscription: free of charge

  • In 2004, within the framework of the two series 'Swiss National Bank Economic Studies' and 'Swiss National Bank Working Papers', the National Bank started publishing economic contributions at irregular intervals. These contributions are published in one language only (German, French or English). As of edition 4/2016, SNB Working Papers are only published in electronic form.

    Subscription: free of charge

  • The publication 'Monthly Statistical Bulletin' has been discontinued in September 2015. The relevant data can be consulted and downloaded via the SNB data portal at data.snb.ch.

  • The publication 'Monthly Bulletin of Banking Statistics' has been discontinued in January 2016. The relevant data can be consulted and downloaded via the SNB data portal at data.snb.ch.

  • This annual report described developments in Switzerland's banking sector. It contained data on balance sheets and income statements based on the individual financial statements of banks as required by law, as well as on the number of banks and staff. The underlying data were collected via surveys conducted by the SNB.
    The data contained in the report and further information can still be consulted and downloaded on the SNB data portal.

  • The Swiss Financial Accounts are concerned with the financial assets and liabilities of the economy's institutional sectors. These sectors are non-financial and financial corporations, general government and households. The financial accounts are a synthesis statistic, and are based, in particular, on banking statistics, the survey on cross-border capital linkages, insurance statistics, pension fund statistics and statistics on public finances. Data from these sources are systematically evaluated and processed to provide a consistent overall picture that allows for a variety of macroeconomic analyses.

  • The balance of payments comprises the current account, the capital account and the financial account, and records transactions between residents and non-residents during a given period. The international investment position reports the cross-border stocks of financial assets of all institutional units as at a specific reference date at the end of a period.

    A press release commenting on Switzerland's balance of payments and international investment position is published quarterly together with the latest figures. Additional focus articles are published at irregular intervals, providing a more detailed examination of selected key areas relating to these statistics.

    The SNB draws up its reporting on the balance of payments and international investment position in accordance with IMF guidelines.

  • The report on direct investment provides a commentary on developments in Switzerland's direct investment abroad as well as foreign direct investment in Switzerland.

    The report is published once a year in December. It is available on the SNB website in German, French and English.

    Subscription for printed publication: free of charge

  • In 2007, the Swiss National Bank was celebrating its centenary. It was marking this event by launching a new publication series featuring historical statistical data. This publication includes topics of importance to monetary policy - both now and in the past. Wherever possible, the historical time series extend back over the past hundred years. The publications also include commentaries on the time series, describing the calculation methods as well as, for some topics, the historical and regulatory background. This helps readers understand and interpret the data, and provides the information required when relating different time series to one another.

    The series of publications consists of five brochures.

  • This brochure describes in concise form (approximately thirty pages) the monetary policy approach, other major tasks, and the organisation and legal basis of the Swiss National Bank's activities. The brochure is available in German, French, Italian and English.

    Subscription: free of charge

  • Swiss National Bank, Library

    Telephone: +41 58 631 11 50

    Postal address: P.O. Box, 8022 Zurich

    Address in Zurich: Fraumünsterstrasse 8, SNB Forum, 8001 Zurich

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