Annual Report 2024

Accountability report


  1. Monetary policy
  2. Implementation of monetary policy
  3. Ensuring the supply and distribution of cash
  4. Facilitating and securing cashless payments
  5. Asset management
  6. Contribution to financial system stability
  7. Participation in international monetary cooperation
  8. Banking services for the Confederation
  9. Statistics

Financial report

  1. Corporate governance
  2. Resources
  3. Changes in bank bodies
  4. Business performance
  1. Balance sheet as at 31 December 2024
  2. Income statement and appropriation of profit for 2024
  3. Changes in equity
  4. Notes to the annual financial statements as at 31 December 2024
  5. Report of the External Auditor for the General Meeting of Shareholders
  1. Chronicle of monetary events in 2024
  2. Bank supervisory and management bodies, Regional Economic Councils
  3. Organisational chart
  4. Resources and publications
  5. Addresses
  6. Rounding conventions and abbreviations

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