International analysis

In fulfilling its statutory mandate, the SNB observes and analyses developments in international economic policy. It formulates positions on international economic policy issues and analyses Switzerland's external sector.

International policy analysis

The SNB monitors the activities of those multilateral institutions of relevance to it, as well as general developments in international economic policy. Of particular interest are issues relating to the international financial architecture, global macroeconomics and the external sector.

Country-specific analyses and contributions

The SNB follows and analyses economic, institutional and political developments in countries that have particular relevance. This helps the SNB - in cooperation with the Federal Department of Finance - in preparing Switzerland's position on country-specific submissions and topics to be discussed by the IMF Executive Board. Agenda items include, for example, Article IV consultations as well as the approval or review of programmes.

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Multilateral cooperation

The SNB participates in various multilateral institutions.

Research at the SNB

Research plays a vital role in the fulfilment of the SNB’s mandates.

Financial stability

The SNB makes an important contribution to the stability of the financial system.

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