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Important monetary policy data, 4 December 2023
Interest rates and exchange rates, December 2023
Announcements and conditions for new money market debt register claims of the Swiss Confederation (in Swiss francs)
SNB balance sheet items end of October 2023
IMF SDDS Plus, 30 November 2023
Announcements and conditions for new SNB Bills auctions (in Swiss francs)
Money market debt register claims of the Swiss Confederation: Results
Important monetary policy data, 27 November 2023
Announcements and conditions for new money market debt register claims of the Swiss Confederation (in Swiss francs)
Announcements and conditions for new SNB Bills auctions (in Swiss francs)
Money market debt register claims of the Swiss Confederation: Results
Economic data, November 2023
Monthly banking statistics, November 2023
Important monetary policy data, 20 November 2023
Independence in research and monetary policy - a critical success factor for Switzerland
Announcements and conditions for new money market debt register claims of the Swiss Confederation (in Swiss francs)
Announcements and conditions for new SNB Bills auctions (in Swiss francs)
IMF SDDS Plus, 14 November 2023
Policy-making under uncertainty: The importance of maintaining a medium-term orientation
Implementing monetary policy with positive interest rates and a large balance sheet: First experiences
A pillar of financial stability - The SNB's role as lender of last resort
Public bonds of the Swiss Confederation: Results