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Andréa M. Maechler / Thomas Moser: Return to positive interest rates: Why reserve tiering?
Thomas Jordan: Decision-making under uncertainty: The importance of pragmatism, consistency and determination
Swiss National Bank, Banque de France, Monetary Authority of Singapore and BIS Innovation Hub to explore cross-border trading and settlement of wholesale CBDCs using DeFi protocols
Interim results of the Swiss National Bank as at 30 September 2022
Turnover in foreign exchange and derivatives markets in Switzerland - 2022 survey
Turnover in foreign exchange and derivatives markets in Switzerland - BIS Triennial Survey, April 2022 survey
Foreign exchange and derivatives trading, 2022 survey
Thomas Jordan: Current challenges to central banks' independence
Publication on the centenary of the Swiss National Bank's main building in Zurich: The Pfister Building 1922-2022
Quarterly Bulletin 3/2022
Systemic bank runs without aggregate risk: how a misallocation of liquidity may trigger a solvency crisis
Thomas Jordan: Safeguarding the principles of regulatory policy
Swiss balance of payments and international investment position: Q2 2022
Thomas Jordan: Sixth Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture - Introduction of Benjamin M. Friedman
Broadcast of the Karl Brunner Distinguished Lecture by Benjamin M. Friedman
Broadcast of the news conference of 22 September 2022
Thomas Jordan: Introductory remarks, news conference
Martin Schlegel: Introductory remarks, news conference
Andréa M. Maechler: Introductory remarks, news conference
Issuance of SNB debt certificates (SNB Bills) and use of liquidity-absorbing repo operations
Monetary policy assessment of 22 September 2022
CDS market structure and bond spreads