Bilateral cooperation

The SNB's bilateral cooperation comprises three fields of activity. First, the SNB cooperates on a bilateral level with other central banks. Second, it cooperates with the Confederation in providing international monetary assistance to individual countries. Third, it provides technical assistance to central banks, giving priority to those countries with which it forms a constituency in the IMF.

Bilateral relations with other central banks

The SNB cultivates regular bilateral contacts with other central banks. One example is collaboration leading to the signing of a bilateral swap agreement. The SNB's relationships with the countries in the IMF constituency have a special significance. In addition, the SNB participates in bilateral financial dialogue with other countries. This is led by the Federal Department of Finance in liaison with various federal institutions and associated enterprises.

Monetary assistance to individual countries

In accordance with the Monetary Assistance Act, the Federal Council can instruct the SNB to grant loans or guarantees to individual countries. It can grant short or medium-term monetary assistance to an individual country that participates particularly closely with Switzerland in respect of economic and monetary policy. Medium or longer-term monetary assistance can also be given to an individual country provided this aid forms part of an internationally coordinated financial assistance operation. Monetary assistance is intended to primarily help middle and low-income countries which are under external or structural pressure. As security, the Confederation guarantees the timely fulfilment of agreements concluded by the SNB.

Technical assistance

Technical assistance (TA) comprises the transfer of knowledge specific to central banks with a focus on capacity development. The SNB provides technical assistance to other central banks upon request. This usually takes the form of individual consultations with SNB experts, either at the central bank concerned or in Switzerland. In addition, the SNB participates in multi-country TA activities to promote the exchange of central bank-specific expertise between such institutions. The SNB coordinates its technical assistance closely with other organisations, in particular with the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and the IMF.

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Multilateral cooperation

The SNB participates in various multilateral institutions.

International analysis

The SNB observes and analyses developments in international economic policy. 

Research at the SNB

Research plays a vital role in the fulfilment of the SNB’s mandates. As a rule, the research on central bank-related topics is carried out in the relevant departments.

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