International Monetary Fund

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) promotes the stability of the international monetary and financial system as well as macroeconomic and financial stability in its member countries. Its main fields of activity are economic policy surveillance, the provision of financial support to countries faced with balance of payments difficulties, and technical assistance.

  • The IMF is the central institution for international monetary cooperation. Switzerland is jointly represented in the IMF by the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) and the SNB. The Chairman of the SNB's Governing Board is a member of the IMF's highest decision-making body, the Board of Governors, which consists of a representative from each member country. The Head of the FDF is one of the 24 members of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the IMF's steering committee.

    Switzerland has been a member of the IMF since 1992 and is part of a voting group (constituency) whose other members are Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Poland, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The constituency's Executive Director holds one of the 24 seats on the Executive Board. The Executive Board is in charge of the daily business of the IMF. Since November 2014, Switzerland and Poland have alternated in appointing the constituency's Executive Director for a term of two years. The post of Swiss Executive Director is held alternately by a representative of the FDF and the SNB. The FDF and the SNB determine Switzerland's policy in the IMF and support the constituency's Executive Director in his or her activities.

  • The IMF monitors and assesses the economic performance of each of its members on a regular basis (usually once a year). The most recent assessment of the Swiss economy can be found at:

    Every five years, the IMF also assesses the stability of member countries' financial systems. The next assessment of the Swiss financial sector will be published in 2025. The most recent assessment from 2019 can be found at:

  • The financial obligations arising from the membership in the IMF are met by the Swiss National Bank (as at end-November 2024).

    Maximum amount
    Of which drawn
    Of which not yet drawn
    SDR 5,771 m
    (CHF 6,693 m)
    SDR 1,480 m
    (CHF 1,717 m)
    SDR 4,291 m
    (CHF 4,976 m)
    SDR 11,081 m
    (CHF 12,851 m)
    SDR 0 m
    (CHF 0 m)
    SDR 11,081 m
    (CHF 12,851 m)
    Bilateral credit line
    SDR 3,158 m
    (CHF 3,662 m)
    SDR 0 m
    (CHF 0 m)
    SDR 3,158 m
    (CHF 3,662 m)
    SDR 1,357 m
    (CHF 1,574 m)
    SDR 796 m
    (CHF 923 m)
    SDR 561 m
    (CHF 651 m)
    SDR 500 m
    (CHF 580 m)
    SDR 500 m
    (CHF 580 m)
    SDR 0 m
    (CHF 0 m)
    Voluntary Trading Arrangement
    SDR 4,410 m
    (CHF 5,114 m)
    SDR 547 m
    (CHF 634 m)
    SDR 3,863 m
    (CHF 4,480 m)

    Special Drawing Right

    The Special Drawing Right (SDR) is an IMF unit of account calculated on the basis of the weighted exchange rates of the US dollar, euro, renminbi, yen and pound sterling.


    Quotas are the IMF's main source of financing. Member states' quotas are based broadly on their relative economic position in the world economy. Switzerland's quota amounts to SDR 5,771.1 million, which corresponds to 1.21% of the IMF's quota total of SDR 477 billion. The used portion of the Swiss quota paid to the IMF is a liquid item on which the SNB can draw on request.

    New Arrangements to Borrow

    The New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) form a financial safety net for the IMF. As a supplement to its quotas, the NAB can be activated to provide the IMF with up to SDR 361 billion if necessary. To date, there are 38 member countries participating in the NAB. The SNB's maximum loan commitment under the NAB is SDR 11,081.3 million. The used portion of the Swiss quota and the funds used under the NAB are part of the reserve assets.

    Bilateral credit line

    Bilateral borrowing arrangements strengthen the IMF's lending capacity when the quota and NAB resources have been largely exhausted. To date, many member countries or their central banks have committed funds under bilateral borrowing arrangements, with the total amounting to around SDR 138 billion. The SNB has granted the IMF a bilateral credit line of CHF 3,662 million.

    Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust

    The Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT) provides loans to low-income member countries at preferential terms. The PRGT is financed through bilateral contributions and through the IMF's own resources. The SNB finances the Swiss contribution to the PRGT capital in the form of loans. The Confederation guarantees the SNB the timely repayment of the loans, including interest; it also finances the interest subsidies.

    Resilience and Sustainability Trust

    The Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST) provides loans to low-income and vulnerable IMF member countries. These loans support longer-term macroeconomic reforms and structural measures to address climate change and pandemic preparedness. The aim is also to strengthen the stability and resilience of the global financial system. The RST is funded by voluntary loans and contributions from creditor countries. The SNB grants a loan to the IMF that is, like the PRGT, federally guaranteed.

    Voluntary Trading Arrangements

    The SDR is not just a unit of account, it is also a reserve currency created by the IMF and an international means of payment. Under the Voluntary Trading Arrangement with the IMF, the SNB has committed to purchase (+) or sell (-) SDRs against foreign currencies (USD, EUR) up to an agreed maximum of SDR 4,410 million.

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