SNB Economic Notes
La serie SNB Economic Notes presenta brevi contributi, disponibili solamente in lingua originale, su una varietà di temi economici e finanziari legati al mandato della Banca nazionale svizzera. Le opinioni, i risultati e le conclusioni sono quelli degli autori e delle autrici e non rispecchiano necessariamente i punti di vista della Banca nazionale.
Welche Kosten verursacht der Bargeldzugang in der Schweiz?
The case of interest rate risk at domestically focused banks in Switzerland
Lifting the veil on the pandemic savings of Swiss households
A Poole-based perspective on monetary policy implementation
Piloting monetary policy implementation on a DLT-based infrastructure - Issuance of digital SNB Bills
How does SARON react to the provision of reserves by the SNB?
A timely measure of wage growth on the basis of payment system data
What drives the demand for large banknotes in Switzerland?